Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Poster assignment June 3, 2009

I decided to use a poster from part 2 of the website under the title "Warning! Our Homes Are in Danger Now!." I picked the image titled "Don't Let That Shadow Touch Them." I chose this one because I think it is a good example of propaganda and uses both the key rhetorical concepts and the five rhetorical canons very well. The metaphor of the swastika being a shadow vilifies All of Germany as evil and a country that must be stopped by buying war bonds. It also makes American males seem brave and strong by giving the boys a war plane and a flag while weakening females by putting the girl in a crouching position and giving her a doll that is being touched by the shadows. The children are also of a white ethnicity, which unites the predominately white America while alienating other ethnicities. This poster is going to be very memorable to those who see it because it is threatening innocent children and because overall the poster is very menacing. The font in bright yellow grabs the reader's attention by contrasting it with the darkness of the picture in the poster. Overall, the poster instills a sense of fear and urgency to buy war bonds to protect children and the american way in general.


  1. I think you make a great point about the visual affects of color and composition. This seems to really add to the message of the poster. I also like how you point out the gender stereotypes.


  2. I really like your observation the gender stereotypes. I think the way the eldest boy has his hand on the other is interesting. When I saw this it reminded me that it was my job, as an adult, to protect the children. This is a very menacing image and I can see how it was useful as propaganda.

  3. I really like what you wrote about the poster, especially when you do the comparison between the male and female gender.

  4. Britta-
    Great analysis. I think these images of small children are especially shocking and effective when it comes to manipulating viewers. I agree with your group members that you gender observations are really interesting. I can't wait to see what you choose to analyze for the first Essay. If you keep up this sort of analysis you should do great.
