Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My first thoughts when I saw the Oklahoma memorial were about how beautiful the memorial is and what an awe-inspiring creation it is. I was impressed with how strong and graceful it appears, as if the memorial is trying to say that even though what happened was a devastating tragedy nothing is ever going to tear the unity and love shared between the survivors and the families of those that passed away.

One of the symbols that I thought was one of the strongest was the elm tree that was named the Survivor tree. I love that it represents the resilience and durability of those that remained after the tragedy. Trees have always represented wisdom and stability, and I think this tree says exactly that. I think the people who survived can look to the tree as a sign of hope and faith that they can continue living life even though many of their comrades passed away.

The reflecting pool is also another symbol that I think is very important to the memorial. After all the chaos and turmoil, a pool where people effected by the tragedy can come reflect and remember is exactly what is needed. Since it is a reflecting pool, people can look at themselves and see who they have become since the event. The calming sound of the water is also necessary to relax those who are still experiencing an inner turmoil over the events.

1 comment:

  1. I love the Survivor Tree, too. I think it is my favorite symbol because, as you mentioned, it really gets at the idea of endurance and love. It reminds me - as does the whole memorial - about the will to overcome and to come together as a community to survive.
