Friday, June 5, 2009

6/5 rhetorical visions assignment

I will start off by giving my own definitions of the three kinds of arguments as outlined by Aristotle.

Logos: I think this method is the most sensible one, but not necessarily the most effective. It is based for the most part on fact and logical arguments and valid points. It is the method that gives the most facts out of all three.

Ethos: This method I believe has a lot of implications tied into it. The reputation of the person or group of people presenting the information has a huge effect on the audience. Also the way the ad is presented effects the Ethos as well. 

Pathos: In my opinion I think that this can be the most effective and dangerous method. People are naturally ruled by emotions and pathos aims at evoking strong emotions. Most commercials and advertisements that want an audience to believe a certain viewpoint heavily use the pathos method.

As far as my ads that I chose, I think Ethos will be very important because my ads are based on popular companies that have good reputations. They all appeal to the pathos method as well. The Volkswagon commercial appeals very strongly to the emotional aspect by involving so many differences and encompassing all ethnicities and types of people. The Heineken commercial appeals very strongly to the emotions and bonds that same-sex friends experience. Logos isn't used as much because the ads are trying to persuade the viewers to use their products and so they might not be giving all the facts or might be only telling half-truths.


  1. It sounds like you have a strong position with the ads you chose. I think pathos has to do with what you were saying about the products as well. The commercials create a desire for the product through representing happy, attractive people that use their product. The Heineken commercial makes you want to drink their beer so you can have as much fun as the people in the ad. I think ethos is very important as well.

  2. I agree with the kat. Which ever ad you do,I think you will do a great job.

  3. I love your observation that pathos can be most dangerous. I agree that it is pretty easy to be manipulated by emotions - maybe easier than with logic and facts and figures. I think pathos is a big part of the ad you chose. Also maybe ethos is used as Volkswagen is a pretty well-known and respected company that has been making cars for a long time. Also, the company builds its ethos (its credibility) by acknowledging that they know what ads do and how. They show they are aware that they are manipulating viewers and this somehow makes them feel more trustworthy.
