Tuesday, June 16, 2009

List of DC communities for Essay 2

I'm not all that tech savvy, so I only belong to a few online groups. They are Facebook, Myspace, ITEAonline, NMSU, and yahoo mail. I think I'm going to write about Facebook because it is the group that I am most interested in and I would say I use this group the most. I'll probably try to use the angles that the articles we had to read use; I'll list the dangers and benefits of Facebook. I might take a side and argue the side of the benefits of facebook simply because I want to keep mine, but I'll have to think about which side puts on a stronger argument. I'm open to input about which side would be better to argue for.

Ah! I just remembered I forgot about Pandora! Oh my goodness, I might actually use that one instead. I love Pandora, and being a music major I think it would be fitting to use it, but I'll have to think about it some more. Again, I'm open to input.


  1. I use a lot of those same online groups. I was also thinking of using Pandora since it such a popular website. With Pandora, do some research about the advertisements linked with certain music. I've noticed that with some types of music, the ads will change.

  2. I think pandora is a good choice. How would say language is used on the site?

  3. Don't forget blogger and WebCT -- you're a member of those discourse communities too :)
