Sunday, June 14, 2009

Discourse communities

Some discourse communities that I am a part of include: New Mexico State University, International Tuba Euphonium Association, The Greater Southwestern International Church of Christ, and the Pride of New Mexico.

-New Mexico State University is a college that is not very exclusive. Anyone that can afford tuition can be a part of the college. Since NMSU has more of a younger population, it is very common for students to dress according to what the current trends for young adults are. Many people get to know each other by asking about what majors and related topics. I am music major so I can more easily to other music majors.

The International Tuba Euphonium Association is another group that also is not very exclusive, but it costs money to be a member. It is almost entirely composed of tuba and euphonium players, although anyone can become a member. It is purely for the betterment of the tuba/euphonium community.

The Greater Southwestern International Church of Christ is another group that anyone can join, but to be a member one needs to have a sincere love for God and studies the bible to get baptized. It is composed of many different people of different interests, ages, and walks in life who all share a common interest in living a christian life in troubled times.

1 comment:

  1. These are great groups. After checking out my notes on definitions below, start to really focus on how communication works for these groups. For example, I am assuming that tuba players know some terms, jargon, instrument brands, composers, etc. that those of use who have no musical ability (this is me) would have no clue about. Think about why you use these terms and maybe uniforms. Does it identify you as an insider? Does it keep others out?
