Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Pictures as a Composition

 Like the saying "a picture is worth a thousand words" states, a picture can sometimes convey much more than words can. they are reflective of the times, the customs, the situations, and so many other things. It literally freezes a moment in time forever. Unlike a memory, the photograph never changes and no one can exaggerate what is found in the picture. A narration or caption that goes with the photo always helps explain what is in the picture, but pictures by themselves speak leaps and bounds alone. For example, a baby album forever immortalizes the person that the baby album is about. No words are needed to explain the pictures and how important they are.

The picture I chose to describe is a picture of my family outside Seaworld on the day of my birthday. It was one of the happiest days of my life and my family looks so happy. It was before my brother was born and so my mom is still extremely skinny and my dad still has his huge glasses. I am almost a head taller than my sister even though she is only a year younger than me and I'm a head shorter than my mom even though now I am the same height as her. I think this is reflective of what a lot of families do in today's world. They take vacations and visit amusement parks together and have fun being a family.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great image of your family and your family bond. I love that photos can capture moments and by looking at an image from one frozen second we can remember the whole day.
