Friday, June 5, 2009

Online advertisement

Okay, so this didn't post yesterday, so I'm going to try again...

Option 1
I think this ad might be a good choice because it is a situation that many people can relate to and the humor grabs the viewer's attention.

option 2
I chose this ad because it appeals to the imagination and the longing that is in everyone to leave their mundane lives and find their own fantasies. This ad makes it seem that their water can do many things out of the ordinary when reality it can't.

I know we're only supposed to have 2, but this third one was tied with the first two.

Option 3
I chose this advertisement because it appeals to so many different kinds of people
and because it is trying to be politically correct.


  1. i like the choice that you have selected

  2. Britta-
    I totally agree with you and Sandra. The third one is a great ad and also is sort of its own analysis (a meta-analysis) of the ad itself. You will be able to discuss character representations, use of color, font, music, etc. Because Essay 1 calls us to analyze how meaning is made -- and that's what the ad is doing anyway -- you should have no trouble finding many things to discuss regarding the rhetorical decisions made in this ad.
    I can't wait to see what you come up with for Essay 1-

  3. Britta,
    I think those are all good options. I thought the first option was good, because you could talk about the gender stereotypes featured. I agree that the humor made it appeal to a wide audience. Although there is a lot you could say about the third option as well.
